I figured it's important to start this blog with some explanation.
The title of this blog is enough to trigger you.
You're reading this since you still clicked through like total retard.
And you might wonder if I'm eligible to use R-word.
'Who is this retard to call anyone retard and why is the English so broken here?'
I hope the below can answer your retarded questions.
1. Objectives
= Free speech
This blog is as simple as that. As much as I believe the value of free speech, I no longer can hold back my urge to speak what I want to say publicly.
It's unbelievable how many people in west want me to not say stuffs. Nowadays I'm finding myself taking my words back in my brain worrying someone might feel "uncomfortable".
There's always a huge elephant in the room and everyone is busy ignoring it.
Let's be honest.
Most crimes are created from black people and 99% of transgenders look so weird+gross that you cannot stop staring.
The data we all already aware of
2. Who am I?
= Bigot
I'm from South Korea where things are comparably not yet woke. I moved to the States in 2021 right around when mildly retarded people started to think COVID is bullshit. COVID turned out it is more causing mental issue than coughing and it somehow was helpful for me to determine who's fatally retarded.
You would think "Wait, didn't Korea do harder locked down during COVID and a lot of them were brainwashed?"
That is absolutely true.
Fortunately, I survived from the brainwashing. My guess it's all thanks to spending the year 2020 without TV, journalists, News media and friends because I was living alone in small apartment using all my time at my graduation project and part time job.
You have no idea how much I feel lucky about not being stayed up-to-date in 2020. So I became this unicorn who didn't get vaccinated at all in Korea.
I'm the 0.2%
You're meeting an unicorn here
= Fairly Retarded
Folks, I'm one of you.
Growing up, till my age 8, I was legitimately retarded. I will tell you better story in the later post. Basically my level of 'retardedness' at the time was my parents bribing my class teacher so I can attend the regular school so they don't need to spend too much time on me. Over years, I felt brain clog going away and I grew out of myself from a legit-retard to a regular level retard, thank god.
So, I'm alright. Functioning and college graduated (which doesn't prove anything, but still).
I used to hide my past and never talk or even think about it. However I recently started to appreciate my past. Because I realized that a lot of people grew up so normal that they often overlook the fact that everyone in the world has something retarded and so are they. And people start to blame their life problems to their family, mental health and politics when the real cause is that they are retarded.
So I'll happily open myself and write with my retardedness so please enjoy!
Once retarded, always retarded
3. What you can expect
= Retarded questions and answers from this retard
The topics will be about the stupid questions I had and how I found the answer. It'll be very much related to political matters.
+ Broken English
I'm a proud 2nd language English speaker and I already warned you how much I'm retarded.
+ Forbidden words
All those words western people are afraid of will be generously used in this blog.
yes, nigger
So I'm starting this blog to write my retarded thoughts to retards who are sharing similar values.